Analysis of teaching module development needs based on teaching factory (TEFA) to improve entrepreneurial characteristics




teaching modules, Teaching Factory (TEFA), entrepreneurship, vocational education


The aimed of this research was to analyze and describe the need for developing teaching-based modules of Teaching Factory (TEFA) to improve the characteristics of entrepreneurs who are ready to work and produce products that comply with industry standards to support the implementation of the independent curriculum. The research method used was research and development. This research focuses on identifying student teaching module needs that are expected to meet national curriculum standards and regional potential, involving an understanding of the educational context, industry demands, and student needs. The data collection techniques that the researchers used were observation, interview, and questionnaire. The research results indicated that there was a significant need to develop teaching modules so that they can accommodate diverse students’ needs customized to the level of difficulty and interest of students. Teaching modules should be designed to provide students with opportunities to develop 21st-century skills such as skills critical thinking, creativity, communication, and cooperation.


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How to Cite

Haryadi, M., & Dewi, M. (2024). Analysis of teaching module development needs based on teaching factory (TEFA) to improve entrepreneurial characteristics. Research in Education and Technology (REGY), 2(2), 104–109.