Wordwall interactive learning model for Mathematics subject in elementary school





interactive learning model, Wordwall, needs analysis


This research aimed to determine students' needs in the learning process in Mathematics subjects. Data collection used a needs analysis questionnaire for class VI SD N 095/VIII Karang Dadi students. The results of the analysis of student needs showed that the interest aspect was 86% in using learning media Wordwall with the high category and the results of needs aspect were 86% in the high category. So that, the interactive learning media Wordwall can help students understand the material presented by the teacher.


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How to Cite

Nopiyanti, R., & Dewi, M. (2024). Wordwall interactive learning model for Mathematics subject in elementary school. Research in Education and Technology (REGY), 2(2), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.62590/regy.v2i2.119